Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Horsocope : A Deeper motive perhaps!!

All this started with a fwd mail saying Horoscopes 2009..I told myself - "Hey!!!I dont believe in horoscopes. My life is my decision..Nothing else rules it..No stars..no planets". So what was the fate of that mail. Shift+Del??Of course not..After forwarding the mail to a few friends (oh yeah..first involuntary reaction of a "on bench" software employee ) , I skip directly to Gemini to read the course my life would be taking according to the planets, and yeah..not to forget ..the stars too.

Well, I am a happy person now..All nice things said in the Gemini column of the horoscope..a brilliant year ahead..Phew!!gives me such a relief..but hey..I dont believe in horoscopes right.

All said and done..probably , there is no harm in believing the good things said there.They give you hope.A strength to get past bleak times. A few words of hope, written by some XYZ, probably to increase sales of a newspaper/magazine, but yeah..they give you a ray of hope neverthless.

Thats the way I end up thinking of God too..Ok..before anyone raises their eyebrows..I am no atheist.I believe in God more or less the same way as I believe in horoscopes. Yeah..interestingly there is an analogy. Before a difficult test, or after a terrible one, my faith in Him strengthens. But more in the way that, believing He is there, gives me a hope that things will be alright.Life that sucks presently will get better. I dont chant prayer, but just saying "GODDDD" helps at times.Its probabaly escapism, if I were to be too hard on myself.I want the burden off my shoulder.No mortal being would take it.So what do I do. Put it on God, the Almighty.

Well..its sound sort of philosophical..but hey..give it a break..anything and everything abt God isnt philosophical. Probably all this was just to say that things often might mean just more than they seem to be saying explicitly.Horoscopes might have started off just to make things ahead look brighter for as its said " Hope is like the sun.It casts the shadow of your burdens behind you". And the Creator is the mighty hand that weilds this powerful tool of Hope.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Never knew you too had a blog to share but you too seemingly have gone dormant lately..would love to read more posts on this blog..
    I liked that 'confused..curious' one..its so much a'musingly real..:-)
