Adding another concentric ring to the halo behind my head. I was under the impression that only the serene beauty of sunrise and sunset can get the thought process started. Here's another one to the list...
Twilight..Train journey..Window seat. And off you are in the land of random thoughts
I don't mean those train journeys where the otherwise tolerable kids in the compartment suddenly start showing the full prowess of their vocal cords. Goshhh..How I hate those journeys!!
The ones I am talking about are the blessed ones; where two of your co passengers refuse to show up and you do a mini-mental-jig to celebrate the same coz you got more space, momentarily at least.
Blr to Hyd journey this Monday evening was one such blessed journey. My mind took off to thought-land! Things I had not considered important enough to spare a thought; things that were so important that I wanted to think about them in leisure; things I dint know existed till then. In all, I realised, I had postponed the "time with myself" for a long time now.
Hmm...Chai Break..BRB
Staring out of the window. An empty styrofoam cup in my hand. Mulling over, what’s on top of the "To-Think" list. I am absent mindedly looking for patterns in the clouds. I like that. No one can be wrong about cloud patterns, because whoever says you are wrong, dint quite see it from your angle.
Ha..angle of thinking. My neurons are firing away there. Everyone has their angle of thinking. Rather, everyone should have an angle of thinking. Individual, independent opinion is a very important thing. The guts to voice oneself without the fear of being "judged" is something I appreciate. It’s a quality which deserves respect and admiration coz not all have it. I read someplace-"Sometimes its best to shut up." True. It takes immense control to shut up and listen to something you clearly differ from, but at the same time, an inner voice tells you- "Dude. Your zillion words are going to go wasted anyway. The guy is a fool. Let him be." .Chances are, we could be the fools instead. But hey, that’s the other guy's angle of thinking. Thanks but no thanks.Not putting myself in the other person's shoes.
There, my mind is on stand by mode now, just as the train inches into Hindupur station. I wait, eyes at the door of the compartment. I am thinking of an analogy. No.All that came to my head sound too cliched...So sticking to "Watever..I am just waiting"..And then there is a jolt. The train starts off from Hindupur station.Yippeee....Time for a mini-mental-jig Part-II.
To be continued..